God, the World, and My Family.

This is a place for me to share my thoughts on God, the state of the World, and my own family. It is intended to be a window into my mind as I anguish and lament over some things and rejoice over others. These days my busy thoughts are anxious to find outlets to express themselves, and they want to share themselves with you.


The Iraq-Oil Connection?

I could write more on this but I need to be brief. Today the Australian Defense Minister made some surprising comments. Remember Australia is a member of the "Coalition of the Willing":
Defence Minister Brendan Nelson said today oil was a factor in Australia's contribution to the unpopular war, as "energy security" and stability in the Middle East would be crucial to the nation's future.

Speaking ahead of today's key foreign policy speech by Prime Minister John Howard, Dr Nelson said defence was about protecting the economy as well as physical security.

Dr Nelson also said it was important to support the "prestige" of the US and UK.

"The defence update we're releasing today sets out many priorities for Australia's defence and security, and resource security is one of them," he told ABC radio.

"The entire (Middle East) region is an important supplier of energy, oil in particular, to the rest of the world.

"Australians and all of us need to think well what would happen if there were a premature withdrawal from Iraq?"

Of course this was followed by a quick withdrawal:
Prime Minister John Howard today denied he had admitted that oil was behind his decision to keep Australian troops in Iraq.

This follows widespread interpretation of comments by Defence Minister Brendan Nelson and the Prime Minister that implied oil was a key reason for its decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq.

Now consider... The US imports 60% of its oil. It consumes 25% of world oil production every day even though it only holds 5% of the world's population. If energy security is important to Australia, don't you think it is even more important to America? Probably by orders of magnitude?

Now I'm not going to go into "we must leave Iraq... TODAY" like most of you are probably expecting. I'd prefer to keep my opinions on that to myself. But I think Americans should honestly consider... what if Iraq really IS about oil? Do you realize the role that oil and other forms of energy have in the lives of Americans? That for many (most?) people gasoline and heating oil are fixed expenses, as crucial to their survival and well-being as food? That we built our entire communities around automobiles? Have you tried to walk or bike to the places you need to get to every day, or every week? Or contemplated the connection between energy and the American economy?

Here's what bothers me, if Iraq really is about the oil - maybe completely, maybe in part... On the one side of the spectrum people say "no, no, no, it's about freedom. And security." And they go ahead and drive their cars and live their luxurious lives (luxurious in comparison to the rest of the world). The other side says, "yes, it's about oil! #%@& our leaders! Get the troops out this minute!" And they go ahead and drive their cars and live their luxurious lives. And I wonder, if it came out today that, without a doubt, Iraq is and always was about the oil, would people change? Use less energy? Give up the car? Push for public transportation? Buy less stuff that was trucked in from thousands of miles away? Or would people come to the realization that this is my way of life and if war is necessary to continue it, then so be it.

Insert relevent Cheney quote here: "The American way of life is non-negotiable."

Brent crude went over $75 today.


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