God, the World, and My Family.

This is a place for me to share my thoughts on God, the state of the World, and my own family. It is intended to be a window into my mind as I anguish and lament over some things and rejoice over others. These days my busy thoughts are anxious to find outlets to express themselves, and they want to share themselves with you.


Fox News is Sneaky

Heh, take a look at this over at News Hounds, the picture says it all... Fox News labels Republican Rep. Mark Foley a "D-FL" as it was airing footage of the disgraced congressman! Ahhh, how many loyal viewers yelled at their screens "#*% Democrats"...

And as Keith Olbermann informs us, this show was taped in advance. Less and less wiggle room for Fox to claim an "honest mistake" if it ever does...

Now don't go thinking I'm an apologist for the Democrats, but I do have a beef with shameless propaganda which claims to be objective!


Blogger Mmm said...

WEll, the thing is, is that most who watch Fox News are genreally better read adn educated, not buying int othe average media faire and so would mostly know that Foley is with the GOP, regardless.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but as a reformed Fox News viewer myself and a frequent observer of others who get all of their news through it, I would have to conclude otherwise... I'm not a cheerleader for any mainstream news source! But Fox is heavily biased, it's obvious.
As far as I know, Fox has never run a correction for their error. That says something in itself.
http://tinyurl.com/hxffg [truncated link]

8:51 PM  

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